I Feel Better About Myself Than I Have Ever Felt
/When I first heard about the Lightning Process, I have to admit I wasn’t sure how it might help me. But after much thought and discussion with Amanda, I realized that the two biggest challenges in my life might indeed be helped: low self-esteem and a lifelong struggle with my weight.
As soon as I finished the training, I recognized that I was feeling better. And I continued to feel better and better every day when I practiced the training. Soon I noticed a significant improvement in my self-esteem and self-confidence. Today I feel better about myself than I have ever felt.
However, as important as this achievement was, my major challenge for over 60 years has been my unhealthy relationship with food. I really wanted to change the way I thought about food, the way in which it controlled my life. So I started using the LP to help change my brain’s neural pathways, initially very consciously thinking in a better way and constantly reinforcing my efforts, congratulating myself for even the smallest step. And then I started noticing that being in the kitchen felt different. I could stand there and not crave food. Or, if I did think I needed to eat something, I could stop and examine the thought, and realize that it wasn’t true. My behavior was changing as my mind changed.
And then I started losing weight! I still have a way to go, but I’m on the right path. I know what to do to help myself and I am very optimistic that the changes, which are becoming more and more automatic, will continue and become even more a part of me. After so many years of dieting and behavior modification, my relationship to food is finally becoming healthy and easy. Hooray!!!
Boston, Massachusetts