From Down and Out with CFS to "Up and At 'Em Again"

Down and out??? That was me for 15+ years. In my early 20’s, I contracted the Epstein-Barr Virus and was hit hard. Fatigue, fever and a sore throat you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy.  It was a brutal and difficult recovery. Months later I was able to return to school and work. While I wasn’t back to my old self, I felt like I was heading in that direction. Never could I have imagined what would come next...a series of events that were big. And by big, I mean huge.  Over the next three years, I endured the stress of grad school, divorce, moving across the country, starting a new job (one that I ended up hating), learned the house I was renting (and had lived in for over a year at that point) had black mold. And if that wasn’t enough, my favorite person on planet earth, my grandmother, passed away. Then out of nowhere, in an instant, my body crashed. I was done for. My fatigue was relentless. I was suddenly falling asleep at work, or in the car at a stop light. When I got home, I didn’t move from the couch. I would become winded just walking 20 feet. Social life, gone. There were times when talking was difficult. I eventually had to stop working for a while. Then began my healing journey. I don’t even know how many doctors I saw. Many.  I had everything from thyroid to food sensitivities tested. I spared no expense. If I thought it would help, I tried it. Everything from medications to special diets, IV nutrients, supplements galore...and let’s not forget the hours upon hours of researching what was happening to me and how I might be able to fix it. All I knew was my life was passing me by.

….Enter Lightning Process…

After finding the Lightning Process and listening to the introductory course, I thought, I will try anything. I’m ready. I’m open. What do I have to lose?! Turns out, the real question is what do I have to gain? Turns out, everything. Guess who is dancing and singing in the shower before work? Me!  Guess who, after walking .25 mile to the parking garage, chose to walk up four flights of stairs to get to my car instead of taking the elevator? I did, I did! Who gets home from work and and has the energy to be productive? Me! Did I paint my kitchen and living room? Sure did! Who’s ticking items off the “Get to To Do List?”  Yep, me again! The tools I’ve gained from learning the Lightning Process have been life changing. Not only have I created the energy I needed to live life again; I have formed a better, stronger relationship with myself. I love and trust myself in ways I only hoped was possible. Learning the Lightning Process has made all the difference to my healing journey.  Amanda has been an amazing coach! She’s helped me learn the tools I needed to turn my life around and I know she can help you too. The Lightning Process is a tool, one that if used, opens many beautiful and exciting possibilities.

K. Hayes
Portland, Oregon