CFS, Mold Disease, and Lyme to Truly Thriving

Sixteen years ago I had a severe reaction to a medicine that left my body in dire straits. I had a hard time eating, always felt sick, couldn’t detox, couldn’t sleep. I was diagnosed with CFS, mold disease, Lyme. But it always puzzled me that I was well one day and then never well again.

I tried all sorts of treatments to get well and some helped but I was still plagued by exhaustion and frequent bouts of illness. My Functional Medicine doctor recommended the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS). I did the practice at home for 9 months and then attended an in-person seminar. I realized that my body was stuck in fight or flight. I did the DNRS practice for about 18 months and saw lots of improvements.

But I was still not thriving - just better at managing.

In 2019 my daughter was diagnosed with CRPS and we went to the Spero Clinic to heal her. While she was there we were introduced to the Lightning Process. My daughter immersed herself completely in the process and it worked wonders. She challenged me to do LP saying “you could be living your best life - you could be thriving”. When she said this I caught a quick glimpse of my best life and I decided to give the LP a try.

Improvement came quickly! Amanda showed me stumbling blocks in my own thinking that I wasn’t aware of. I used LP for the tiredness and frequent illnesses but I also used it for my feelings of anxiety, frustration, impatience. And that’s when the real healing began.

This past year I have started to work full-time again and I love it. My body can handle it but equally important so can my mind - no anxiety, no stress. I’ve made lots of personal changes that I needed to make - again with an attitude of thriving not stress. Before LP I was afraid to stress my body so I avoided exercise. Using LP I was able to move past this and now I’m taking long walks and I even joined a gym to start lifting weights.

I try to use LP in all aspects of my life - and when I do everything feels easy and light. I’m truly thriving now! I am beyond grateful to LP and Amanda!

Cincinnati, Ohio